Hey my lovelies! I have something a bit different to show you today. I’ve been feeling the urge to share more than just nail polish on here for a while, being that I am female and I wear makeup and use hair and body products every day, I feel like I’m missing on a whole load of my other obsessions hobbies. As far as makeup goes I tend to like to keep my mascara, eyeliner, brows, foundation, powder and bronzer the same – I’ll talk about these soon if this post goes well! I do however love to change up my eyeshadow and lately my lips. I was never a lip product fan really, I always felt that my lips were the one part of my face that seemed to be all one colour and didn’t really need enhancing. However, like with nail polish, I have become a bit of a lip product junkie!! I don’t know how this happened but I currently own around 30 lip products…!
Anyways. I have been really enjoying stick balms for quite some time, Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Honey, Soap & Glory Gloss Sticks in Fuchsia-ristic and Plum Jam, and Seventeen Lip Crayon in Knockout, to name a few. And then this one caught my eye; the packaging suckered me in and before I knew it it was bought and safely in my bag within minutes. I don’t regret it though, I’ve been loving this all week!

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