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Barry M Archives - Page 26 of 30 - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: Barry M

Models Own Pro Limited Edition – Swan Lake

By the time you’re reading this I will *hopefully* be on the lovely island of North Uist, Scotland 🙂 as it turns out I’m a crap blogger and never managed to get round to the scheduled posts and I don’t get how to do the whole guest blogging thing. Well anyway, who knows, I may even have 3G connection on North Uist. It’s weird writing this while trying to keep in mind that you’ll be reading it next week. It is, by the way, currently Thursday 28th July. Anywho, I’m very sorry to be disappointing but I thought I’d break up those long 2 weeks away with this post.

Enter Swan Lake!

If you look at the bottle in the photo below, this was not what I paid £8 for at 3 coats!!!
As you can hopefully see, the bottle colour is *very* misleading, I was expecting a lovely taupe-y shimmer. Nevertheless it inspired this gradient mani.
I have to say, it does have a lovely unique finish even despite the sheerness. You know when you look into a lake or into the sea in the sun and it glistens in a lovely fluid, silvery way? Well it’s like that. It’s beautiful. Still I was disappointed with the price!
Anyway, layered over the top of other colours it looks absolutely beautiful. It dries quickly, and is fairly easy to control. I’m not a fan of the square lid, it doesn’t hinder the application too much but for a ‘Pro’ polish you would expect something a little easier to work with. The glittery shimmer spreads evenly across the nail so that isn’t a bother.
Overall I have very mixed feelings about this polish. For my first Models Own Pro polish, for the price, I can’t say I’m that impressed. However, the glistening effect of the polish has won my heart over. Just beware of this one if you were expecting a more opaque colour. Personally I would expect at least a hint of the taupey brown jelly base on the naked nail but apparently not – I only saw this when it was put over the Barry M Matt White!
Hope you are all well, and I’ll be back in a week!
Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.

GOSH Miss Minty

I’ve never really ‘got’ the whole mint-green nails thing, I absolutely hated Barry M Mint Green on my nails (don’t hate me!), but I think I’m starting to understand it, Miss Minty is a much better tone for my hands and I may even go so far as to say that I really quite like it. I have to say, when I bought it, I only remembered AFTER that I really don’t like mint green on my nails. Moments of madness.

This is roughly 2-3 coats. The polish is VERY pigmented, opaque in 1 coat really but due to my impatience and a couple of smudges I ended up doing 2-3 coats (I think my index and middle were 3, ring and pinkie were 2).
Dry-time was fine, dried quickly and the polish evened itself out so if you think it’s uneven, don’t!! go over it again, just leave it and if necessary use a topcoat later, otherwise you will end up with it dragging and bubbling. It dried with a lovely glossy finish, so topcoat isn’t necessary.
The only danger with this shade, as you can probably tell from the pictures, is it can bring out the pink in your skin, making your hands look lobstery like mine! It’s not too bad, the pictures make it look worse than it was, but still. Haha.
I did a quick colour comparison with Barry M’s Mint Green:
Middle and Pinky: GOSH Miss Minty; Ring and Index: Barry M Mint Green
I know it’s not an amazing picture – my camera wouldn’t pick up the colour difference between these two, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Both polishes are shown at 2 coats. Now hopefully you can see that the Barry M is much more sheer and streaky than the GOSH, which is totally opaque. Miss Minty also is a lot more blue-toned, and more of a true pastel, than the Barry M, which is a much truer green (not what I’d call mint green!)
If I were to describe Miss Minty to you without photos, I would say go and get a tub of Mint Choc Chip ice cream and take a good long stare at the ice cream part – that is the colour of Miss Minty. So if you’re one of the many who are wild about mint green, I’d grab Miss Minty over Mint Green!

I have an amazing colour on at the moment but trying to resist posting a 2nd blogpost today, so I’ll have to wait til tomorrow. Or maybe late tonight. All I can say is that it is PERFECT for summer!
Emma xxx

Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Barry M Matt White

For some reason this is called “Matt” white, I’m guessing because it’s not a Matte finish, but it can be a little confusing! This polish is GLOSSY!

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Barry M Peach Melba

I don’t know quite what came over me on Saturday but I went a bit peach-crazy with my nail polish buying and ended up with 3 peach-toned polishes 😛 I’ve never been a peach lover and I never thought this polish would suit my skin tone. Thankfully, my hands are a little tanned from doing my revision in the sun, so I think that’s why it managed to look okay on me. If you have fingers with a tendency to go bright pink I would definitely steer clear of Peach Melba as it does clash – my hands got particularly cold yesterday and went deep pink – it was awful haha. The colour is really flattering to a tanned/darker skin tone.
Anyways, these pictures are all at 2 average coats. Dry time was okay, typical of Barry M really, and I still suffered sheet marks but hey ho. The finish was very glossy, as usual. The pigmentation was good, but as you can probably see the polish is a little streaky in places – it dragged some of the colour on the second coat which was a shame but nothing a third coat wouldn’t sort out. I know a few people have had problems with streakiness with this polish so just beware if you aren’t willing to go for a 3rd coat!
I couldn’t really get a good picture of the polish, the camera seemed more interested in the non-existent pink of my skin, hence the blotchiness – most of the photos I took of Peach Melba it looked nude which it definitely is not! It’s definitely a very classic peach colour, I can’t really describe it but it just is. You may want to Google image it rather than relying on my post since my pictures are far from amazing.
I’d recommend this polish if you’re a fan of the colour peach – I’m not too sure about it and I’m still not convinced that I love this polish, though it is growing on me. It is a possible cheaper dupe of Illamasqua’s Purity (I don’t have the two to compare – sorry!)
Sorry my posts are a bit boring of late, I blame revision and I will definitely be better post-exam time (i.e. July) and I will try to make stuff more interesting if I get a bit of spare time – thank you for being patient! How are you all? Do let me know 🙂
Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Barry M Bright Purple

Sorry that my nails look tip-wear-y and crap in this photo, it wasn’t that bad IRL, honest…
3 coats.
This is a strange polish, the first coat is very jellyish and then one coat later it’s almost a creme. Which is a shame because this colour suits being a jelly but hey ho. Anyway, it kind of looks a bit dull as a creme, I think it’s one of those ones which would benefit from a topcoat just to give it a bit of depth.
A lovely lovely colour though, certainly a bright purple, as All Lacquered Up points out very Barney-esque! It certainly draws attention to your nails, it’s a nice balance of being a dark contrast with pale skin like mine while still being bright and eye-catching. (Does that even make sense?)
These pictures are 3 coats, but the polish is opaque in 2 (I only added the third in an attempt to mask the hideous sheet marks that arose whilst I was slumbering – in vain) and has a lovely glossy finish, much like most  of the Barry M Nail Paints. The dry time was typical Barry M – not forever but long enough for you to be getting impatient, though my counterbalance to this is to apply the first very thin coat, and leave it to dry for an hour or so before applying a second thin coat (to avoid the drying/denting issue) The formula was thin and flowed easily, and as usual (for Barry M) brush control was lovely.
How are you all doing? I’m alright, I’ve been slowly killing my brain trying to get my head around chemical equilibria and such menial concepts (sarcasm) (who understands this stuff?!) My incentive to get my revision done was that if I did a lot by lunchtime I would allow myself to nip into town to buy as much nail polish as my heart desired (or rather, as much as my £12 would stretch…) Hope you are all doing good, look out for something peachy and Barry M coming your way shortly 😉 can you guess what it is???
Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.