I’ve never really ‘got’ the whole mint-green nails thing, I absolutely hated Barry M Mint Green on my nails (don’t hate me!), but I think I’m starting to understand it, Miss Minty is a much better tone for my hands and I may even go so far as to say that I really quite like it. I have to say, when I bought it, I only remembered AFTER that I really don’t like mint green on my nails. Moments of madness.
This is roughly 2-3 coats. The polish is VERY pigmented, opaque in 1 coat really but due to my impatience and a couple of smudges I ended up doing 2-3 coats (I think my index and middle were 3, ring and pinkie were 2).
Dry-time was fine, dried quickly and the polish evened itself out so if you think it’s uneven, don’t!! go over it again, just leave it and if necessary use a topcoat later, otherwise you will end up with it dragging and bubbling. It dried with a lovely glossy finish, so topcoat isn’t necessary.
The only danger with this shade, as you can probably tell from the pictures, is it can bring out the pink in your skin, making your hands look lobstery like mine! It’s not too bad, the pictures make it look worse than it was, but still. Haha.
I did a quick colour comparison with Barry M’s Mint Green:
Middle and Pinky: GOSH Miss Minty; Ring and Index: Barry M Mint Green
I know it’s not an amazing picture – my camera wouldn’t pick up the colour difference between these two, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Both polishes are shown at 2 coats. Now hopefully you can see that the Barry M is much more sheer and streaky than the GOSH, which is totally opaque. Miss Minty also is a lot more blue-toned, and more of a true pastel, than the Barry M, which is a much truer green (not what I’d call mint green!)
If I were to describe Miss Minty to you without photos, I would say go and get a tub of Mint Choc Chip ice cream and take a good long stare at the ice cream part – that is the colour of Miss Minty. So if you’re one of the many who are wild about mint green, I’d grab Miss Minty over Mint Green!
I have an amazing colour on at the moment but trying to resist posting a 2nd blogpost today, so I’ll have to wait til tomorrow. Or maybe late tonight. All I can say is that it is PERFECT for summer!
Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.