Barry M have brought out yet another set of lovely polishes – this time they are all glitters! The five are: Pink Silver Glitter, Silver Multi Glitter, Aqua Glitter, Magenta Glitter (Superdrug exclusive) and Gold Glitter.
Pink Silver Glitter is a lovely mixture of (predominantly) a rose-gold-silvery microglitter, and a smaller amount of salmon pink microglitter. I love the mix, it’s not hugely noticeable in person unless you are looking up close but it gives a lovely overall effect. The formula and glitter size is the same as that of Barry M Silver Multi Glitter – almost foil-esque in appearance but a little more 3D and sparkly. Pink Silver Glitter reminded me of both Max Factor Angel Nails and Orly Rage – two beautiful rose gold foils, but the glitter and the two-toned quality of Pink Silver Glitter is what makes it unique. I think it’s ever so flattering and is one of those shades that will look amazing on any skin tone. It’s flattering enough to make it all-age-appropriate and sparkly enough to make it eye-catching enough for special occasions. I love it!
Pink Silver Glitter was too dense to be used as a topcoat, yet required 3 coats for opacity (as shown in the photos). It applies really smoothly as I think there is a high ratio of clear polish to glitter – however, it dries to the usual gritty glitter finish so you may want a topcoat. The polish dries relatively quickly. It does take a fair bit of scrubbing for removal but there are various ways in which you can make glitter removal easier.
Personally I really love this – it gives rose gold a sparkly silvery edge, and is pretty unique in the UK polish market. What do you think?
Barry M Pink Silver Glitter is available in Boots, Superdrug and on, for £2.99.
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.