Tag Archives: Wiki’d Nails Challenge

Wiki’d Nails Challenge: Tattoo Nail Art

Hey everyone! So you may have noticed lately that I’ve been posting a lot of press sample-based reviews – mainly because I’ve been inundated and the whole process takes quite a while so when I finally finish one, I don’t necessarily want to jump in and write another post ‘for myself’ if that makes sense. But of course that’s ended up that I haven’t done many ‘myself’ posts lately, so I’ve jumped onto a challenge run by my wonderful friendx Charlie (of Pocket Money Polishes) and Lisa (of Starfish Nails). Unfortunately I am already nearly 2 weeks late – oops – but better late than never I suppose!

This challenge is called the ‘Wiki’d Nails Challenge’, where basically the theme is randomly chosen from Wikipedia. Each week, you have to create some nail art based around the theme of that week. So this week is tattoos – a subject I think about endlessly so tattoo nail art was a great starting point for me!

I don’t actually have any tattoos myself (mainly due to my indecisiveness) but I am forever planning what I think I’d like in the future. This week, I based my nail look on one of my favourite styles – black linework. If you want to check out an artist I really like, look at ‘DotstoLines‘ by Chaim Machlev – his work was on Buzzfeed a while ago and it’s pretty cool! Anyway – enough waffling…!

Tattoo Nail Art
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