Barry M Croc Effects

So guys, how come when the old crackle nail polish came around everyone went so crazy about it, despite it’s flaws (dried matte, too lumpy, a bit tatty etc.) and now when this lovely croc effects (i.e. improved crackle) comes out, no-ones talking about it?

I layered it over Barbara Daly Starlight.

Barry M Croc Nail Effects Crackle Shatter Black Giraffe Crocodile Snake print Kelier cracked earth sophisticated glossy

Barry M Croc Nail Effects Crackle Shatter Black Giraffe Crocodile Snake print Kelier cracked earth sophisticated glossy

Barry M Croc Nail Effects Crackle Shatter Black Giraffe Crocodile Snake print Kelier cracked earth sophisticated glossy

Barry M Croc Nail Effects Crackle Shatter Black Giraffe Crocodile Snake print Kelier cracked earth sophisticated glossy

For me, this hands-down wins over all the shatter/crackle polishes we’ve been seeing lately. As far as I can think of, you can break it down into these points:

  • Glossy – doesn’t need a topcoat
  • Looks amazing with a light/bright colour underneath, particularly one which sparkles
  • Takes a long time to dry – about 10 mins
  • If you smudge it you can go over it and it won’t make much of a difference
  • The polish underneath has to be touch-dry, not totally dry or it wont work (the best thing I found for this when my polish underneath was already dry was to use a quick-drying topcoat, and applying it over that)
  • The black is quite thick, hence the little mess in my cuticles
  • £3.99 at Superdrug
  • It’s very similar to Kelier Crackle

To me, this is a little bit of a hassle as I only ever use crackle polish to brighten up an existing manicure without spending time on it. However, this gives a rather more sophisticated, I’ve-tried-hard kind of look and will garner many compliments! The polish is much more pleasing to the eye. Bonus points for still being glossy!

My lovely Mum gave me this for Christmas. 🙂

What do you think of it? Have you bought it? Let me know in the comments!


Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.