Barry M have done it again… they’re releasing yet another new, exciting nail product, under the title of ‘Sequin Nail Effects’ – WOW. I am so excited for these!! On first impressions from the photos they seem to be multi-coloured glitters suspended in a coloured base, of which there are three: Pink, White, and Black. Have a look for yourselves!
Barry M Sequin Nail Effects Pink
Barry M Sequin Nail Effects White
Barry M Sequin Nail Effects Black
What Barry M say:
“Add a textured sparkle to your nails with new Sequin Nail Effects! The rich formula packed densely with sequin specs is the perfect way to create a dramatic 3D effect on your nails.”
These will be launching in ‘hot spots’ around the UK on 8th May, however I don’t know any details about where or what these hot spots are as yet! They will be officially launching in Superdrug on 5th June, and in Boots on 12th June, along with their other summer launches (details yet to come)!
EDIT: A hot spot is apparently the top shelf of the product line in the shop, you know when they have an offer on and they usually put the products on offer in the top middle shelf, that is what they are! After that they will be part of the normal Nail Paint section.
I am super excited to see these, and particularly to compare Black Sequin Effects to Barry M Gold Mine, as well as White Sequin Effects to China Glaze It’s A Trap-eze!, and Pink Sequin Effects to Deborah Lippmann Candy Shop.
What do you think of these nail effects? Personally I love the scattered-in-a-coloured-base look, á la Deborah Lippmann, and I am dying to try them!
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