I’m sure we’re all well acquainted with Chanel Peridot on the blogosphere, if you don’t already own it, you’ll probably have seen photos no less than a million times. And of course, one season on and the dupes are coming out already! Can’t say I’m complaining, there’s no way I can justify spending so much on one single polish, even if it is amazing. And I’ve heard tell that Hidden Treasure is pretty much spot on identical to Peridot – if you don’t believe me, have a look at this Chanel Peridot comparison with Topshop Hidden Treasure from Fleur De Force.
It’s very pretty. I know that people were disappointed that Peridot wasn’t as duochromey as anticipated from the bottle – Hidden Treasure is much like that. In the bottle the polish looks a petrol mixture of green and blue, a very distinct duochrome, while on the nail the blue barely shows up unless you are looking at the edge of the nail (see photo 5 for reference!). Nevertheless, Hidden Treasure is very lovely. It leans very gold in most lights, with that hint of bronzey-green. The polish flowed beautifully, it looks like I’ve just layered foil directly onto my nail, not a brushstroke in sight! No complaints.
The photos show 2 coats. Yes, 2. Totally totally opaque, yay! Not only this but the polish is very smooth and has a wonderful chrome finish. Barry M Foil Effects eat your heart out! Not the kind of polish I’d put a topcoat over, but it wouldn’t do it any harm if you did. My only little qualm is that any nail imperfections, and I mean, ANY, will show right through. If you have ridges I suggest using a good ridge-filler before using Hidden Treasure.
The best news is that Hidden Treasure is just £6 in Topshop, and very easily found!
What do you think? Are you going to hop on the Peridot bandwagon (albeit in a shamelessly cheapie way?) I am very pleased with this polish – unique, not too expensive and very good quality.
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.