Tag Archives: Topshop

Topshop Hidden Treasure

I’m sure we’re all well acquainted with Chanel Peridot on the blogosphere, if you don’t already own it, you’ll probably have seen photos no less than a million times. And of course, one season on and the dupes are coming out already! Can’t say I’m complaining, there’s no way I can justify spending so much on one single polish, even if it is amazing. And I’ve heard tell that Hidden Treasure is pretty much spot on identical to Peridot – if you don’t believe me, have a look at this Chanel Peridot comparison with Topshop Hidden Treasure from Fleur De Force.

Topshop Hidden Treasure Nail Duochrome Chanel Peridot Dupe Duplicate identical green blue hazel chrome nail polish gold petrol autumn winter release copy comparison swamp green murky

Topshop Hidden Treasure Nail Duochrome Chanel Peridot Dupe Duplicate identical green blue hazel chrome nail polish gold petrol autumn winter release copy comparison swamp green murky

Topshop Hidden Treasure Nail Duochrome Chanel Peridot Dupe Duplicate identical green blue hazel chrome nail polish gold petrol autumn winter release copy comparison swamp green murky

Topshop Hidden Treasure Nail Duochrome Chanel Peridot Dupe Duplicate identical green blue hazel chrome nail polish gold petrol autumn winter release copy comparison swamp green murky

Topshop Hidden Treasure Nail Duochrome Chanel Peridot Dupe Duplicate identical green blue hazel chrome nail polish gold petrol autumn winter release copy comparison swamp green murky

Topshop Hidden Treasure Nail Duochrome Chanel Peridot Dupe Duplicate identical green blue hazel chrome nail polish gold petrol autumn winter release copy comparison swamp green murky

It’s very pretty. I know that people were disappointed that Peridot wasn’t as duochromey as anticipated from the bottle – Hidden Treasure is much like that. In the bottle the polish looks a petrol mixture of green and blue, a very distinct duochrome, while on the nail the blue barely shows up unless you are looking at the edge of the nail (see photo 5 for reference!). Nevertheless, Hidden Treasure is very lovely. It leans very gold in most lights, with that hint of bronzey-green. The polish flowed beautifully, it looks like I’ve just layered foil directly onto my nail, not a brushstroke in sight! No complaints.


The photos show 2 coats. Yes, 2. Totally totally opaque, yay! Not only this but the polish is very smooth and has a wonderful chrome finish. Barry M Foil Effects eat your heart out! Not the kind of polish I’d put a topcoat over, but it wouldn’t do it any harm if you did. My only little qualm is that any nail imperfections, and I mean, ANY, will show right through. If you have ridges I suggest using a good ridge-filler before using Hidden Treasure.

The best news is that Hidden Treasure is just £6 in Topshop, and very easily found!

What do you think? Are you going to hop on the Peridot bandwagon (albeit in a shamelessly cheapie way?) I am very pleased with this polish – unique, not too expensive and very good quality.


Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.