Marks and Spencer Purple Rain

Hello all πŸ™‚ I have a lovely autumnal purple for you all today:

So first I want to apologise for the jaggedness around my cuticles and that split in my index finger – this is no fault of the polish I can assure you, my nail was peeling at the time and I must have had a bad eyesight thing going on haha. Just one of those days. I confess this is a picture from a few weeks ago but I really wanted to show you this one πŸ™‚

Purple Rain is one of those gorgeous deep purples that seems to change its shade according to the light – hopefully this is portrayed in the photos! If you’re thinking it looks a little like Rimmel Night Flight – Purple Rain’s base is much more red while that of Night Flight is more blue-black. This is definitely shown in the first coat of Purple Rain and shows a little around the edges.

Application was flawless, practically opaque in 1 coat but I added a 2nd for good measure. This would have looked a lot better if my application hadn’t been so sloppy :s sorry. It didn’t look as bad irl I promise πŸ˜› Dried quickly too so that was good.

This is one of those colours that is just perfect for Autumn/Fall cause it’s so deep and lovely yet doesn’t quite have that Wintry edge.. though I’ll probably wear it in Winter, Spring and Summer too πŸ˜› it actually reminds me a lot of China Glaze’s new Urban Night from the Metro Collection.

Oh and it’s BUAV Approved (Cruelty-Free) so for Β£5 you can hardly resist! πŸ˜€

I’m now on the hunt for a dark purple jelly πŸ™‚ so if you know of one, shout!

Hope you are all doing well – I have a long weekend as we finished a module so that’s nice πŸ™‚ we didn’t get half term so I’m majorly lacking in sleep. Getting nervous about all the deadlines creeping up! Sorry it’s only a brief post today – but maybe you prefer the lack of waffling? πŸ˜›

Emma x

Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.