Barry M Mint Green Nail Paint

I wore this a few days ago, for about a day and in the end couldn’t wait to take it off. I’m not quite sure why, as it’s a lovely colour, and it surprised me that it actually suits my skin tone better than I expected. I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s because it’s hard to find an outfit to go with it? I don’t know. The reason the polish is fairly sheer is because I got fed up after two thin coats and went to bed!

Anyway, the formulation was good (as is usual for Barry M!) I find the trick with these is to build up with very thin layers, otherwise you’re there for hours dodging furniture etc in an attempt to save your nails from indentation and other such markings. Even the thin layers take a while to dry after the second coat, so this is definitely one to apply while watching a long programme or film, or any other time where you aren’t likely to be moving. Having said that I applied this while watching Marchlands and spilt it on my keyboard – oops! The polish was shiny without a top coat, again, a given with Barry M polishes.

I would have to disagree with the name “Mint Green”, I don’t know what this colour is to me but it definitely doesn’t say ‘mint’ to me. Agh, it’s so awkward, maybe that’s why I don’t like it. I love the colour, just not for nails!

I can see why so many other people like it though. It’s rumoured to be a dupe of MAC’s Peppermint Patti.

Emma xxx

P.S. Less waffley? Or still too waffley? Lol xx

Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.