Hello! Today I got a lovely surprise… Lisa from “Makeup With Lisa” awarded me this:
This for me was a lovely surprise as my blog has barely taken off and it’s so nice to have some feedback. Thank you Lisa!!! 🙂
So here are the guidelines:
With acceptance of this award:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they’ve received the award(s)
Here are 7 things about me!
1. I share my life with the funniest, kindest, most loving man possible. Our age gap is 4 years and 4 months and I could not be happier. Everything about him feels right, he’s everything I could ever have wished for in a man, he’s not only my lover but my best friend and soulmate, I am one lucky girl. <3
2. I didn’t begin my nail polish obsession until early December 2010. How crazy is that? But once I get an obsession it’s stuck for good!
3. I love colourful things, colour makes me happy. I suspect I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as I tend to get heavily depressed when the weather gets gloomy and that only really picks up when it’s sunny and warm. I love the colours of spring, summer and autumn, and I love the minimalism of the colours of winter. Such a pretty contrast between all of them.
4. I don’t tend to conform to fashion or fashionability, partly because I don’t like wearing or buying garments that I don’t like, and partly because I can’t really afford to anyway. It’s always nice when things I like come into fashion but my wardrobe doesn’t change according to trend or season, purely because I just like to wear things that I like, things I feel comfortable in, and things which make me feel good.
5. I love music. I mean, I LOVE it. I love nearly all genres out there. I don’t have a favourite band/singer/genre because I don’t like to limit myself. I listen to different music in accordance with my mood at the time 🙂 I play the piano, cello, electric bass and acoustic guitar.
6. I don’t have favourites in general. I think my poor Andy struggles to know what to buy me present-wise because I am just not consistent in my likes and dislikes. The truth is is I like many many things at one point or another, and my fluctuations in likes and dislikes seem to bear no real linkage to any changes in my life. I just can’t explain myself. Lol.
7. I am a real dreamer. Seriously, I dream about 99% of the time, about the future, about what I want to get when we next go to Tesco, about how much I would like this or that food. It does get irritating, an hour into a Chemistry lesson, when I realise everyone else understands and I haven’t heard anything from the moment the teacher started talking. Oops 🙂
And here are a few bloggers I would choose to mention, because I just haven’t seen that many ‘new’ blogs about, all seem well established! These blogs are the ones that I look to for advice and unbiased honesty about products, and the bloggers whose opinions I trust!
1. Nikki from Nikki’s Nails
2. Leanne from Do Not Refreeze
3. Gem from Gem Fatale’s Style Blog
4. Louise from Affordable Treats
5. Charlotte from Charlotte’s Obsessions
6. Lina-Elvira from Pretty Perfect Beauty
7. Sabrina from A Little Obsessed
I’m fairly sure all of these bloggers will have received this already but it’s more as a token of appreciation than anything!
Emma xxx