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US Indie Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: US Indie

My Indie Polish Collection & Storage

Okay so today I decided to catalogue my indie nail varnish collection. I will warn you now, it’s a long one!! At the time of writing, there’s 25 pictures, (this has taken me FOREVER to edit!) and I do plan to update it in the future as I buy more polishes. I hope I don’t need to say that this isn’t a boasting post, I personally love seeing other peoples’ collections and learning their tastes in colours, and seeing their favourite brands, etc. etc. so I find this type of post interesting. Plus there are polishes in my stash that don’t get enough love, so I thought it would be nice to create a little shrine  showcase of them. 🙂

Grab a cuppa – hope you enjoy!! 😀 In no particular order:

Indie Polish Collection Emily De Molly

Emily De Molly: Violet Days, Falling Skies, Super Vixen, Pyrite, Cosmic Forces, Oceanic Forces, Dark Depths, Black Forest, Serenity.
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Hare Polish Party Palace

Hey chickas! Not long after I started getting into indie polishes, about a year ago or so, I really really got into Hare Polishes. I’m not really sure whether it’s just the wonderful polish creations or the branding or both, but if you asked me to choose one indie brand to use for the rest of my life, it’d be Hare for sure. Don’t get me wrong, I love other brands a LOT, there’s just something about HP that sucks me in with every new collection.

I have another one from the Last Queen of France collection today. This one isn’t for the faint hearted – you WILL  be seen in this colour!! The collection is loosely based around Marie Antoinette. As I said in my review of ‘Let Them Eat…What?’, I don’t honestly know much about her, but I do LOVE the collection so… had to buy! This is another one I’ve had for nearly a year – I’ve worn it 2-3 times but haven’t yet blogged about it! Sacrilege!

Hare Polish Party Palace
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Enchanted Polish January 2014 Mystery

Hello everyone! I have quite a fancy nail varnish for you today. If you haven’t heard of Enchanted Polish before (where have you been?!?!) they are one of the most sought-after indie brands of today. Drama aside, I do think that EP create really gorgeous lacquers so I don’t mind spending a little extra (but not too much!!) on these.

Because there were a lot of issues to do with restocks, Chelsea (the creator behind the name) started off the year with doing a pre-order, instead of a restock. This seems to have worked much better so I really hope she continues with this. No stress! Anyway, Jan 2014 was a ‘mystery’ polish – we were buying blind. I don’t really have strong feelings on many colours so with this I felt relatively safe, although I know others might not be so keen on the idea. Apparently this is the year of mysteries for EP though so it will probably carry on in this vein!

Enchanted Polish January 2014 Mystery
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Hare Polish Test Your Love!

Hello everyone! I have another polish from my one true indie love a nice indie brand called Hare! ‘Test Your Love!’ is from the Fall 2013 Coin Operation Collection. This collection has the coolest inspiration behind it – “the world of antique, coin-operated arcade and carnival games of yesteryear” in Nikole’s (the creator) own words. I just think that’s unbelievably cute, and quirky at the same time.

I am personally a massive fan of arcades and coin games, even the modern ones; I have a particular penchant for the coin pushers (I have a secret technique that ALWAYS gives around 80% return… yes I am that sad… yes I do count them… no I do not have a social life…)

Hare Polish Test Your Love
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Hare Polish Let Them Eat… What?

So, lovely ladies, today I have a lovely US Indie that I hadn’t worn before today (despite owning it for nearly a year…!). It’s from the Hare The Last Queen of France Collection, from Spring 2013. It’s inspired by Marie Antoinette – I have to be honest, I don’t really know much about her, other than her being a French Queen in the 18th century. (Don’t hate me – I know, I know, I really ought to learn more history!)

What I DO know is that this entire collection is GORGEOUS – I bought seven of the ten released, which is pretty good going for me – usually I a) can’t justify spending that much on polishes and b) don’t like enough of them to buy that many!

I also know that ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ is a rather famous quote often attributed to Marie Antoinette, however (if I’m being pernickity) there is actually no written record of her ever having said the phrase! But anyway, onto the colour 🙂

Hare Polish Let Them Eat... What 1
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