Hey chickas! Last summer I got really into my LEs, in particular, Lynderellas and Enchanted Polishes. I went through a phase of hunting them down on eBay, however I actually bought Inner Space second hand. It was a complete impulse purchase, I saw the picture and snapped it right up, without even really looking at swatches. But this nail varnish has become a firm favourite in my collection, so I’m super super glad I bought it!! Lynns can go for silly amounts, so I never buy them for over £15… I think price is an important barrier to set for yourself with limited editions, because it’s too easy to get carried away!
Tag Archives: US Indie
Teal I See You Again – Rainbow Series
Hey everyone! It’s that time of the week again! Every week Charlie (of Pocket Money Polishes) and I do a colour-themed post, which is called our Rainbow Series 🙂 This week we are doing slightly different colours – Charlie’s doing mint, and I’m doing teal, because I just LOVE teal!!
You may notice that the ten favourite teal polishes I picked out today are all quite similar in tone and finish, there’s definitely a lot of shimmer involved and quite a bit of glitter! Green and blue are two of my favourite colours, so combine them inside a nail polish and I’m sold!
Scofflaw Little Edie In The Grey Gardens
Hey everyone, how are you all today? I was looking back over my old blogposts the other day, and I realised I never put anything much of my life in these any more. Is that something that you liked or something you don’t miss? In case you’re interested, I’m still looking for a job to no avail… I’m trying hard not to let it get me down but every few days it does get on top of me! I’m really glad to have my blog to create some consistency in my life… at the moment it’s mostly job-hunting and keeping the flat tidy, it’s very boring! Anyway, hope you’re well. I’m going down memory lane tonight and listening to The Eagles – Hotel California 🙂
Scofflaw Cloud Cuckoo Land
Hey everyone! Hope you’re all well :).
Today I have a nice palate cleanser polish, that happens to also be an indie! Often I tend to go for the WOW factor with indies, or the total glitter bombs… but sometimes it’s nice to have something that’s soft and cute, with a smattering of glitter that’s tasteful and not so in-your-face. This polish is wow, but in a softer more subtle way than a lot of holo-packed, glitter-packed polishes!
I feel like this nail varnish is a great way to wear glitter to work, for more professional jobs. And I know I’ve mentioned this before but I just LOVE the Scofflaw logo design. It really attracts me.
WingDust The Deep End
Hi there 🙂 Today I have a really interesting polish to show you from the indie brand WingDust. I have to confess that I’ve owned this since last November… and only just properly tried it today. I got it at the same time as I got WingDust Perfect Day. I’ve swatched it on one nail before to get an idea of what it should look like, when I’ve been deciding what to wear, but this morning it caught my eye for some reason and made me want to wear it! This tends to happen with a lot of my indie collection…
Anyway, the reason I bought this in the first place is because it’s such a quirky mixture of colours and it’s really unique. Hope you enjoy!