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Tag Archives: Rimmel

OPI Rainbow Connection (and layering combinations!)

Sooo… I’ve always been one of those ‘oglers-from-afar’ when it comes to American nail polish brands (purely because of the price), I usually pick out my favourites, put them on a wishlist then realise the wishlist total comes to £100+ and think “Oh my God, step away from the laptop Emma, put your debit card DOWN!”. So it’s quite rarely that I actually buy more than one polish from a collection, and if I do so, it’s usually long after I’ve seen the collection. But then OPI came up with the wonderful glitters of the Muppets Collection and I am on such a glitter kick that of course, I had to have them! That and the fact that ASOS had a 25% for students day meant that I simply couldn’t resist. I bought three of the six glitters in the collection, the first of these being Rainbow Connection.

I wanted to not only show you Rainbow Connection but also what it looks like layered over different polishes. So here we go 🙂 lots of pics btw, hope I don’t crash your browsers!

Click on the pictures to enlarge!


1 coat of Rainbow Connection over 2 coats Ciaté My Fair Lady


2 coats Rainbow Connection over 2 coats My Fair Lady

So hopefully these pictures give you an idea of how the polish looks alone. As far as I can work out, there are 6 colours involved: orange, yellow, turquoisey-blue, green, red-violet, and silver. There are 2 types of glitter involved – small hexagonal glitter and large hexagonal glitter. It’s important to be aware that this larger glitter doesn’t always lie flat and can catch on things, which is why, every time I’ve worn this, I’ve worn a generous coat of topcoat.

Black: Rimmel Black Cab. White: Barry M Matt White.

Index and middle fingers are both 1 coat of Rainbow Connection over 2 coats of the base colour. Ring and pinkie fingers are both 2 coats of Rainbow Connection over 2 coats of the base colour.

I looooove how it looks on the middle finger!

The coloured glitter really ‘pops’ when layered over the bold black and white – I love this combination, particularly over black.

Thumb to pinkie finger (base colours): Boots 17 Fury, Barry M Spring Green, Barry M Yellow, Missguided Misstaken, Eyeko Saucy Polish.

All shown with 1 coat of Rainbow Connection over 2 coats of base colour.

Thumb to pinkie finger (base colours): Barry M Cyan Blue, GOSH Attitude, Barry M Bright Purple, Boots 17 Pink Grapefruit, Rimmel Your Majesty.

All shown with 1 coat of Rainbow Connection over 2 coats of base colour.

I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely prefer Rainbow Connection over black, white, dark blue, gold, or silver. Somehow the rest just don’t do it for me, but I hope I’ve helped someone in doing this 😛 I did notice, just by the way, that Rainbow Connection does look a lot better over shimmer polishes than it does over cremes, so maybe I’ll do another post on that soon!

I have to say… there’s something about this one that makes me think ‘treasure trove’! I’m not so keen on Fury on its own as it clashes with my skin a bit, but paired with Rainbow Connection it looks ah-may-zing!

Application:  Rainbow Connection itself is those six different colours of glitter (and 2 different sizes) suspended in a clear base. The glitter is rather sparse, but in my opinion, that makes for a rather good layering glitter 😛 it was quite easy to push the glitter into place if you’re that way inclined, but it does give a fairly even spread of glitter. I have no idea how many coats it would take to make it opaque 😛  It did require quite a thick coat of topcoat to ensure that the larger pieces of glitter weren’t semi-attached and ready to cling onto any loose material it could get hold of. The polish dried quickly so the topcoat requirement wasn’t a problem. I did notice that without the top coat, the clear base seemed to dull the glitter almost, and the topcoat certainly brought it to life!

Now I know that this is VERY similar to Deborah Lippmann’s Happy Birthday, some bloggers go so far as to say they are dupes, but after careful research on Google 😉 I discovered this wonderful Happy Birthday vs Rainbow Connection comparison. So for those of you who are wondering, the general consensus is that they are not dupes – the hexagonal glitter in Happy Birthday is considerably smaller than in Rainbow Connection.

This one will be PERFECT for the party season! 😛 I personally loooooooove this polish to bits, and I have had so many compliments on it at university. People have started paying attention to the fact that my nails are different practically every day – haha! Sorry this is a bit of a long, wordy post, I just seem to have so much to say! 😛

Also, kudos to ASOS Customer Services – at the checkout I was only given 20% off but they refunded me the extra 5% off within 2 days of my order!

Hope you are all doing well my lovelies, give me your thoughts on Rainbow Connection!

Emma x

Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Revlon Top Speed – Hazy

So, they’ve FINALLY brought Revlon Top Speeds to the UK! They still haven’t brought Revlon Royal over though, 🙁 I reaaally want it haha. Anyways, I picked up two of the Top Speed polishes (I’m currently lusting over Revlon Guava too, think I may have to splurge on it next time I have the money!) one of which is Hazy!

Was this worth Revlon’s fairly large £6.49 price tag? Personally, I don’t think so. I have to be honest, I bought this when it was on offer in Boots at £4.49, so I didn’t pay full price. I probably wouldn’t have bought it otherwise. Because while the formula and finish is nice, I don’t think it’s a unique enough colour to pay £6.49 for. Anyway. It’s unfortunately no longer on offer, but Boots has an offer on at the moment of 3 for 2 on a lot of beauty items, including Revlon.

Dry time was good, although I have to say, for a ‘top speed’ polish, it wasn’t exactly top speed! I’d say it was probably comparable to the speed at which Rimmel I <3 Lasting Finish polishes dry. In any case, it was manageable, certainly a lot better than the normal line of Revlon polishes I’ve used!

The polish is quite opaque, this took just 2 coats. I can’t really fault it, there’s nothing wrong with it,  I suppose I’m just not so keen on the price! Oh and I have this pet hate with Revlon polishes, when you put the brush back in the bottle, it scrapes the glass at the mouth and that scraping noise is just so… arrrghh. I hate when nail technicians on YouTube dip the brush in and out in and out scrape scrape scrape *cringe*. Ever since I’m so careful not to make the noise haha.

My only other tiny qualm is that it was a little trickier than some polishes to keep the start of the polish near the cuticle neat, but that’s easy to fix with some cleanup.

I did a tiny comparison of Hazy with Rimmel London Grey Matter for you guys 🙂 I compared them in the shop, I really hate to waste my money buying dupes!

Rimmel Grey Matter is shown on my ring finger. So Hazy is a fair couple of shades lighter than Grey Matter, as you can hopefully see. Grey Matter is more concrete, Hazy is more breeze blocks haha.

My general feelings about Hazy are that if you’re a grey hoarder, it’s a good grey to have,  very work-appropriate, quite sophisticated etc etc but it’s not a very unique colour for the price you pay. Though I suppose it depends on how much you love it as to whether the price matters! For a poor student like me… it really does 😛

I think I’m guilty of being taken in by Revlon’s pretty polish names, “Hazy”, “Stormy”, “Cloud” – all fairly standard coloured polishes but somehow the name just makes me want them!!

I know I keep promising this giveaway guys but I can’t find the polish I really really wanted to give away – would you rather a giveaway minus that one polish or would you rather wait til I have it, making the total up to 6 polishes?

I hope you’re all doing good, anyone else starting university in the next few weeks? I start on Tuesday, I’m soooooo nervous haha.

Emma xxx

Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Rimmel Black Cab + Layering polishes!

It’s been a while… In fact I’ve even been absent from Twitter, and I don’t really have a reason. I’m sorry. Anyway, I hit 100 followers while I wasn’t on here – hello to my 100th follower: “evercouldbe” 🙂

I have for you today a very standard black creme, which, if you’ve been reading my blog posts carefully enough 😉 is probably my least favourite choice of nail polish, which is why I couldn’t leave it alone! In fact I only bought this polish to use as a base for nail art and layering. Enter Rimmel London Black Cab!

A very bog standard black: opaque in 2 coats, glossy, tacky. I just don’t like it! It really suits some people, but I’m just not one of those people! Oh, a word to the wise, this polish actually takes a fair while to properly dry, it was sheet-marks galore this morning!

So here are the layering polishes I used – these are all far too sheer to be used alone (i.e. they would NEVER reach opacity, believe me, I’ve tried!)

Left to right: 2true Glossywear Shade 2 (worn on my index finger), MaxFactor Nailfinity Extra Frost (middle finger), 2true Glossywear shade 10 (ring finger), Natural Collection Lunar Haze (pinkie finger).

Onto the beautiful pictures – there’s a few, I’m sorry! 😛

The final photo shows how the polishes look when in a dim light, i.e. in my bedroom which gets no sunlight whatsoever. I’m going to break these down into each layering polish for you.

  1. 2true Glossywear Shade No. 2 (index finger) – This is a glitter polish, but instead of a clear base it has purple/pink/blue duochrome shimmer in the base. It also has quite a uniquely-shaped silver glitter suspended in it, which spreads very evenly across the nail. The glitter is kind of linear and almost looks like tiny shreds of aluminium foil 🙂 it gives a very pretty, unique effect. It dries quickly and the effect is reached in one coat. This one looks amazing over pink, purple and blue polishes too 🙂 £1.99 from Superdrug.
  2. MaxFactor Nailfinity Extra Frost (middle finger) – This is a very pretty blue shimmer topcoat, which has tiny silver microshimmer particles throughout. The name is very apt – if you think of frost you think blue for icy and glistening icicles etc. I love this one. Dries fairly quickly and the effect is reached in one coat. This one looks amazing over purples, greys, blues etc. Absolutely beautiful. £5.99 from Boots or Superdrug or most large shops (e.g. Tesco).
  3. 2true Glossywear Shade No. 10 (ring finger) – This is a gorgeous green shimmer with a very purple base. I wish this one could be opaque in the bottle colour as it’s gorgeous! An amazing duochrome of purple and green. Over dark colours you tend to see the green shimmer with hints of a pinky-purple. It gives this lovely extra dimension to a polish. It’s so hard to describe haha! This looks gorgeous over pale colours too. Over white you see more of the bottle colour purple. This one dries quickly and creates the duochrome green in one coat. I love it! It kind of reminds me of that duochrome you get on some seaside shells and oyster shells and such 😛 £1.99 from Superdrug.
  4. Natural Collection Lunar Haze (pinkie finger) – This is a pearly purple-blue duochrome, it definitely leans more blue than the pictures let on. However it’s much more purple-y than MaxFactor’s Extra Frost. It has a very pearlescent finish, it’s probably the most work-appropriate of the four. This one, too, dries quickly and reaches the effect in one coat. £1.89 from Boots.
So overall, these are all very beautiful, affordable layering polishes, which really brighten up a tired or slightly chipped manicure. Definitely recommended! How about you guys – any good layering polishes to report?
I hope you are all doing well, I’m starting uni a week today so I’m getting tres nervous! I will be posting up a giveaway shortly to signify my lovely 100 followers, keep an eye out for it 😉
Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.



Rimmel London 416 Night Flight

Just a prewarning – there are about 5 pics in this post because yours truly couldn’t decide which pictures best portrayed the colour – sorry!
3 coats of inky black beauty 😛 Now this polish certainly won’t be for everyone. Personally, I love it, because it’s like black with an edge, and I really really hate wearing plain black on my nails, it feels cheap and tacky and it’s messy and I just really really hate it, always have done, even in my emo/rock addict phase I just couldn’t bring myself to wear black nail polish. In fact I had a very similar polish at that stage called “Extreme Blackcurrant” by Maybelline which I adored, but since I’m now boycotting Maybelline I had to find an alternative, which is when I found Rimmel’s Night Flight 🙂 Enough of the life story now.
So if you haven’t already died of boredom… this polish is very streaky on the first coat, so definitely requires a second and if you’ve got time, a third will really set it off but you can get away with two. In fact the main reason I added a third coat is because my index and middle fingernails keep flaking off taking the polish with them but there you go, that’s another rambly story.
Night Flight dries in a good time, although I’d advise, for speed, that you apply the coats thinly. It applied smoothly, no complaints, and the finish was wonderfully glossy and beautiful. The only think I’d recommend you watch out for is how you paint near the cuticles because, as my photos exhibit, it’s lighter near the cuticles so mistakes and messiness are easily noticeable.
The polish, which I’m assuming all the Lycra Pro polishes have (?) is quite wide, it’s a bit longer than that of the Rimmel 60 Seconds range, and seems a lot easier to use in terms of neatness when applying.
Unfortunately, again, I can’t really comment on the wear of this polish as I only had it on for a day or two. I noticed a tiny bit of tipwear but I’m sure a topcoat would seal the deal 😛
Hope you are well everyone, I’m slowly getting into the habit of taking photos of my nails now – I have a lovely one coming up next 😉
Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Grey Glitter nails :)

I saw this post on All Lacquered Up’s blog and felt somewhat inspired to recreate the Katy Perry look 😛 I’ve been doing this ever since I first saw the post but kind of forgot to blog about it each time. I love Katy Perry’s imagery and she always makes me feel inspired, particularly with her nails. I used yesterday’s Rimmel Grey Matter, covered by two coats of Barry M Pink Iridescent. It’s much more sparkley in real life and the glitter reflects holographic rainbow colours 🙂 Hope you like 🙂
 Emma xxx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.