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Nail Art Archives - Page 3 of 12 - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: Nail Art

Nail Stickrs Review

Hey ladies! A little while ago a lovely lady behind the Nail Stickrs brand kindly sent me a selection of her nail stickers to review! I’ve not really used nail stickers much in the past, other than a few printed/decorative ones so this was new for me. They are actually a US brand, but they ship internationally so they’re available to us here in the UK too – yay!

So the basic idea is to use these as a stencil for nail art. I decided to show you how you can use them both ways – as decorative stickers as well as using them as stencils.

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Nail Art Inspired By Nature #1

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a great day. I feel like it’s a while since I really got down to doing some nail art, and ‘nail art inspired by nature’ is something that I’ve had in the back of my mind for a long time. There’s so many beautiful colours and patterns that you can see in the natural world that can be just breathtaking, or funky, or plain weird… I decided to ease myself into it with a simple one, for today.

I recently saw a picture of a baby red-bellied short-neck turtle which really stood out to me as a pattern and a colour combination I’d never really thought of. I couldn’t say how colour-accurate the original image is but it got me thinking, and I ended up with this:

Grey and Orange Neon Nail Art
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We Also Wear Pink On Fridays – Rainbow Series

Hey everyone! I am being a very very bad blogger at the moment – I’ve tried to get a routine going for work and blog but some nights things get in the way/I forget/I’m too tired etc lol. Organisation will happen!! So this is why my post is late again tonight. I am so late that Charlie has already published her part of the Rainbow Series which you can check out here.

This week is pink. Pink takes up a huge portion of my collection – I tend to love them in the bottle but not so much on the nail. I mean I love them, but I also tend not to wear them much…? I’m not really sure but I definitely neglect them! So here are some of my top faves 🙂

Pink Nail Art
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Barry M Super Nova – Magnetic Multi Sparkle

Hello! You may remember in late 2011 and 2012 magnetic polishes really came into trend and a lot of brands leapt on the magnetic train. To be honest at the time I wasn’t crazy for magnetics and found them a bit of a faff, but I did always love the second space-themed magnetic collection released by Barry M. I was looking back through my old posts and realised I never posted the fifth of the collection: Super Nova (also known as Magnetic Multi Sparkle as labelled). I tried it on today and I have to say I am very tempted to pull out all my old magnetics again as I really enjoyed it this time round!

If you want a peek at my older posts on the magnetics then click here, to see my messy polishing and uneven nail lengths haha!!

Barry M Super Nova Magnetic Multi Sparkle Read More »

Easy Owl Nail Art

Hello everyone! You probably remember Chubby Owl Polishes? Well my good friend Jemma came up with the idea to raise money through selling her polishes, to adopt an owl! All it will take is 20 bottles, so we came up with an idea for owl nail art to let you all know what’s happening! There’s a specific collection which will raise money to adopt a cute little owly 🙂

I used these cutie little owls for inspiration :).

Owl Nail Art (2)
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