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Holographic Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: Holographic

Picture Polish Illusionist

Hey lovelies! Yesterday I showed you Picture Polish Aurora, from the Limited Edition collection. Well today, I have another equally gorgeous nail varnish for you! I think (don’t hate me) I might… possibly… prefer this one!

This one also sold out very quickly on Rainbow Connection, within an hour or two, I believe! Not that I was there at that time – I bought mine the second they were available!!

I have done a few more photos than usual today, but I wanted to make sure I captured all the colour shifts.

Picture Polish Illusionist
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Enchanted Polish January 2014 Mystery

Hello everyone! I have quite a fancy nail varnish for you today. If you haven’t heard of Enchanted Polish before (where have you been?!?!) they are one of the most sought-after indie brands of today. Drama aside, I do think that EP create really gorgeous lacquers so I don’t mind spending a little extra (but not too much!!) on these.

Because there were a lot of issues to do with restocks, Chelsea (the creator behind the name) started off the year with doing a pre-order, instead of a restock. This seems to have worked much better so I really hope she continues with this. No stress! Anyway, Jan 2014 was a ‘mystery’ polish – we were buying blind. I don’t really have strong feelings on many colours so with this I felt relatively safe, although I know others might not be so keen on the idea. Apparently this is the year of mysteries for EP though so it will probably carry on in this vein!

Enchanted Polish January 2014 Mystery
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Fat Puss Polish Prowl

Hey ladies, here’s another lovely polish by Fat Puss Polish that you NEED! Yes, trust me, you dooo need this!

I realise I am starting to be quite obsessed with these UK Indies but they are so pretty and don’t get enough attention in the nail world. I recently bought everything from Jess’s Fat Puss Polish new collection, because they are all gorgeous, so expect more to come!! 🙂

This polish is especially twinkly and is already a firm favourite in my collection.
Fat Puss Polish Prowl UK Indie polish handmade green shimmer holographic holo dark mossy blog review swatches instagram claws4paws

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Serum No 5 Fame

Hello lovelies! So, The Nail Arcade is midway through its week of being a pop-up UK indie polish e-shop, and I thought I’d show you the other gorgeous polish Rachel sent me to review 🙂 having just been hit by a hefty customs charge myself I feel the timing is apt, I just hope she still has some polishes in stock by Friday which is my payday! They’re selling out fast.

I’ve never tried a polish by Serum No 5 before so I was super excited to try it. They come in two sizes: 9ml (Rachel is selling these at £5.55) or 16.7ml (£9). Fame is a beautiful holographic topcoat, so basically you can paint it over any colour to turn it into a holographic-effect polish 🙂 you can use one coat for a more subtle holo effect, or build it up for stronger holographicness.

Serum No5 Fame Love Lacquer holo holographic topcoat indie nail polish the nail arcade UK reseller layered over colours review swatch swatches blog
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China Glaze When Stars Collide

Last month I showed you China Glaze Infra Red, also from the Hologlam 2013 collection. For some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Hologlams (probably because I’ve mentally kicked myself before for missing out on China Glaze’s Tronica collection when it was still available!) and when Nail Polish Direct came up with an offer (£5.95 each and 10% off with code ‘LOYALTYNPD’) on the Hologlams, I couldn’t resist. So I ordered a few more – When Stars Collide, Take A Trek and Strap On Your Moonboots. Not going to lie, I WANT THEM ALL! 😛 I had a little problem with my order, they sent out Sci-Fly By instead of Take a Trek but this was quickly rectified by their attentive customer service.

I wanted When Stars Collide because I’ve never seen a mauve-toned holo before, and it really intrigued me!

China Glaze When Stars Collide Hologlam holographic mauve maroon purple dark purple linear holo swatch swatches review uk nail polish blog

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