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Glitter Archives - Page 2 of 16 - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: Glitter

Barry M Glitterati Nail Paints

Hello lovelies! Today I have an exciting post to show you. Barry M have brought out a flurry of Nail Paints of various ‘effects’ – and I managed to sneak a trip to Superdrug on Saturday so that I could show you some of their offerings! The range I was most excited about is the new Glitterati selection. As my Superdrug had unfortunately ran out of Fashion Icon (purple) and Starlet (pink), I only have four of the six available to show you today, but rest assured as soon as I can get my hands on the other two I will be putting them up on the blog!

The four I have to show you today are: Rockstar, Socialite, Catwalk Queen and VIP. These polishes all contain both iridescent and holographic glitters so they promise to be pretty beautiful on the nail! Let’s get into the pictures.

Barry M Rockstar Glitterati
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OPI Nordic Collection Fall 2014 Selection

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I’m afraid I’ve been super duper busy the last few weeks – my job is a bit hectic and has involved a fair bit of travelling back to my home town, hence the lack of posts. However I was kindly sent two of the nail polishes, of my choice, from the new OPI Nordic Collection – which has given me a good impetus to start blogging once more! I confess that I’ve been ogling these for a while.

OPI My Voice is a Little Norse
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Stellar Nail Polish Glitter Toppers Collection

Hey everyone! Hope you’re doing well 🙂 the lovely Ruth from Stellar Nail Polish has once again kindly sent me some gorgeous new nail polishes to review – this time they are glitter toppers which always gets me excited! If you remember my post on the pretty Stellar holographic collection from last month you will know I’m already a massive fan of Stellar – so let’s get started!

As always, these polishes are named after songs, and they include the artist in the title so that you know which specific song it is made in mind of (there are so many songs with the same name these days!). I love to listen to the corresponding song as I apply the polish, to really get a feel for what inspired the polish, which I think is a really nice touch.

Stellar Nail Polish Waterfalls TLC

Waterfalls (TLC)
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Hare Polish The Blooming Desert

Hello lovely ladies!! Today I have a bit of a stunner to show you.  It is a limited edition polish for Llarowe’s ‘A Box Indie-d’ for May 2014. The theme for the box was ‘flowers – the deadly and beautiful’ 🙂 As you all probably know by now, I am a bit of a  fangirl when it comes to Hare Polish, so it felt inevitable that I would love this polish, but when I saw the pink & orange colour combo I fell for it HARD – it’s my favourite colour combination at the moment, it’s clashy but in the best way!

I actually missed out on the box, as I slept through the restock, and at the time it was all sold out. So I took to begging on the Facebook sale pages for it because if there was ever a polish I *neeeeeded* it was this one! One lovely lady answered my plea and I was lucky enough to swap it for another indie I wasn’t so keen on – yay!

Hare Polish The Blooming Desert

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Graffiti Nails Swatches and Review

Press Sample Hello everyone! I received an exciting email a little while ago, asking if I wanted to try some polishes from a new nail brand here in the UK.  I was interested to see what they would do differently… I often notice that new brands tend to bring out a core line of rainbow cremes for their first launch which I personally don’t find all that exciting – so I was excited to see that Graffiti Nails have started with a great selection of unique polishes!

I decided on Morning Mist Glitter and Fairy Wing Glitter, and they kindly also sent me a surprise nail varnish called Butterfly Pink, which I LOVE.

Graffiti Nails Butterfly Pink
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