So here are my nails of the day. Well if I’m being totally honest, I wore the Barry M 294 Cyan Blue alone with base and topcoat (and because I was saving time I still have Wednesday’s nail polish on underneath – oh dear!) all day, then this evening added NYC Long Wearing 105 Starry Silver Glitter on top to hide the sheet marks which had become all too apparent! So here they are:
Without flash in false lighting.
With flash in false lighting.
It is impossible to capture the actual look! The glitter in the NYC Polish is actually tiny silver glitter granules combined with larger, circular glitter pieces in pink and blue,despite the fact that some of them are reflecting yellow! It is also a lot more glittery than the pictures would have you believe.
Please excuse the condition of my hands – they really suffer from dryness in the winter!
Barry M Cyan Blue – 2 coats.
NYC Starry Silver Glitter – 1 coat.
Barry M 3 in 1 as base and topcoat.
I first used the Barry M 3 in 1 for basecoat, then the other polish from Wednesday. On Wednesday night I covered that (lazy!) with Barry M Cyan Blue, 1 coat. I then let it dry for the rest of the evening, but managed to take about half the polish off when cleaning up – oops! So had to apply another coat. I then added a layer of Barry M 3 in 1 as top coat and let that dry for an hour and a half, but apparently that wasn’t long enough as I woke up in the morning with horrendous sheet marks! I suffered it for the day π and when I got home covered it up with the NYC Starry Silver Glitter.
NYC polish is really quite thick, but applies very smoothly and does not dry as you are applying – always a bonus – but then dries very fast once left alone. The larger glitter pieces make the finish rather bumpy to the touch, so I fixed that by adding a layer of Barry M 3 in 1, and they are now very nearly smooth! I am very pleased with the NYC polish since it costs just Β£1.99.
I have to say I also love Barry M Nail Paints purely for their beautiful colour, but I have always found them quite difficult to apply thinly, I don’t quite know why since their consistency isn’t thick :s maybe it’s just me. But they too are very cheap, just Β£2.99! Can’t complain really. I love the Cyan Blue though, a really gorgeous sea-blue, can’t decide whether I prefer it to Pure Turquoise or not!
The 3 in 1 is Β£3.99. It dries very quickly over totally dry coats, but if the nail is even slightly not-completely-dry, it will take for EVER to dry.
I love this glitter topping though, it adds a lot of fun to the nails, and for Β£1.99 you just can’t go wrong!
Emma xx
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.