So Boots 17 have come out with a new Spring 2012 collection, in which we find four brand new Spring-themed nail polishes! I have Glisten to show you today.
Pretty, right?! It puts me in mind of the gorgeous sunsets we get come summer time. I can’t quite work out the base colour, it’s kind of a pinky-rose colour and gives the polish a lovely dusky finish. The polish is packed with fine gold shimmer and the combination is stunning. I can’t think when I saw a ‘drugstore’ polish look this good! It’s very unique and I LOVE it!! It looks amazing in the sun.
Colour-wise, it’s close enough to my skin tone for it to be subtle-ish in that people have to look twice to double check you’re actually wearing nail polish and it’s not just that your nails are glowing gold! This would be another polish I’d wear for a posh do.
Glisten is sheer. The pictures show three coats – this was sufficient to cover the free edge but if you’re fussy about visible nail line you’ll want a fourth coat. The polish dried quickly, as is often the case with Boots 17 polishes, so a fourth coat shouldn’t be too much of a faff. Something about the finish makes me not want to wear topcoat, which can only be a good thing, right?
The finish is actually quite similar to that of GOSH Golden Dragon, in that the murky base gives quite a pull on the overall colour of the polish. The polish itself is reminiscent of those No.7 seasonal ltd edition polishes that came out last year, but I never bought them so I can’t compare them.
Boots 17 currently have all cosmetics on offer at 3 for the price of 2, and this one is well worth snatching up! At only £2.99 for the bottle it’s really amazing for what you get on the nail.
What do you think? Do you love this as much as I do?! 😀
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.