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Imagination In Colour - Page 16 of 98 - UK Nail Polish Blog

Stellar Nail Polish Holographic Collection

Hey lovelies!! I have been leading a somewhat hectic lifestyle the last couple of weeks, hence the lack of blogposts – I promise I am trying to get on top of it all!

I have some stunning nail polishes to show you today. These are the new holographic polishes from the lovely UK indie brand ‘Stellar’, which is run by a lovely friend of mine, Ruth :). She has kindly sent these to me for review – and review them I shall! Stellar polishes are all rigorously tested by Ruth, and she actually uses a safe, spectraflair alternative to create her holographic polishes. Her polishes are also 5-free and cruelty-free – yay! ๐Ÿ™‚

Please excuse my slightly short nails – I had two nail disasters on one day and they’ve been slowly growing back for two weeks!

Stellar Iron Sky (Paolo Nutini)

Iron Sky (Paolo Nutini)
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Hare Polish The Blooming Desert

Hello lovely ladies!! Today I have a bit of a stunner to show you. ย It is a limited edition polish for Llarowe’s ‘A Box Indie-d’ for May 2014. The theme for the box was ‘flowers – the deadly and beautiful’ ๐Ÿ™‚ As you all probably know by now, I am a bit of a ย fangirl when it comes to Hare Polish, so it felt inevitable that I would love this polish, but when I saw the pink & orange colour combo I fell for it HARD – it’s my favourite colour combination at the moment, it’s clashy but in the best way!

I actually missed out on the box, as I slept through the restock, and at the time it was all sold out. So I took to begging on the Facebook sale pages for it because if there was ever a polish I *neeeeeded* it was this one! One lovely lady answered my plea and I was lucky enough to swap it for another indie I wasn’t so keen on – yay!

Hare Polish The Blooming Desert

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Smitten Polish Not Your Mama’s Easter Grass

Hey everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a really unique nail polish to show you today. You may have spied it in my May Favourites video – and yes I have since bought a back up! These days I have so many nail polishes, they actually have to really catch my eye for me to buy them – I rarely buy drugstore polishes for this reason. Hence the ever-pulsing indie obsession…!

I’ve been looking for this shade of green in a nail polish since I first got into it back in 2010 – I’ve always loved quirky stand-out polish colours. Hope you enjoy this one too!

Smitten Polish Not Your Mama's Easter Grass
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Dark Metal Lacquer Too Many Puppies

Hey chickas! Since I stopped creating my own indie nail polish I’ve kind of lost touch with the UK indies. However one created by a friend, Kamila, caught my eye, and I bought it ๐Ÿ™‚ She was kind enough to pop this one in as a sample, and I love it!! This lovely handmade nail polish is called Too Many Puppies (although I can’t imagine that there can EVER be too many puppies… EVER!)

I also love the shape of Dark Metal Lacquer‘s bottles – it’s so unique to my collection, which is always exciting!

Dark Metal Lacquer Too Many Puppies
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Barry M Cor Balmy! Collection

Hey girlies! As I mentioned in my May Favourites video, I’m trying to branch out a bit more on the content of my blog. Barry M have given me the perfect opportunity to do so by sending me some of their new lip products – the first of which I will be showing you today; the Cor Balmy! Tinted Lip Balm ๐Ÿ™‚

Now these lip balms do bear a striking resemblance to the Maybelline Baby Lips, from the packaging, with the big bold font, down to the nature of the product – a wash of colour in a lip balm. The Barry M Cor Balmy balms do have a white core, which apparently contains shea butter, jojoba oil and vitamins for moisturising your lips.

Barry M’s press release states that these give a hint of colour and can be built up or left subtle. They are also lightly scented (I do love me a scented lip balm!!)

Barry M Cor Balmy! Tinted Lip Balm

Left to right:ย Jam Jar, Trouble & Strife, Adam & Eve, Currant Bun, Rosie Lea.
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