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Video Archives - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: Video

Christmas Book Haul & Chatter – Video

Hello everyone! It’s been a long while since I last posted a video (4 months, to be precise), so I thought I’d start off the new year as I mean to go on. Kind of.

I was very lucky to have been gifted quite a few books for Christmas, so I thought I’d make a quick (ha ha…) video showing you all what they are, and also to tell you about my reading goal for 2015 – which is adventurous to say the least!! My reason for going all bookish on you is because I probably read a maximum of 10 books last year, which I think is probably the least ever books read for me! I am a total bookworm and I fully intend to reinstate my hobby into everyday life.

Let me know what you think in the comments – did you get any books for Christmas? Do you wish you read more? For me it’s mostly time constraints – I feel like I have so many things I want to do and reading requires at least 30 mins commitment every time you sit down (or in my case, half a day!). Anyway, before I ramble so much you won’t watch the video, here it is.

Imagination In Colour August Favourites Video!

Hey there ladies, I have a new video that I’ve just posted on YouTube!

It’s an August/Summer favourites video – let me know what your favourites are in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe and thumbs up the video! 🙂

Please tell me if there’s any videos you’d like to see in the future as I need some inspiration!


LUSH Haul (and new YouTube channel!)

Hey everyone… you may have seen it already (I uploaded it on Friday and put it on Facebook but somehow didn’t get round to posting on here… I’m sowwy!) but I have created my first ever VIDEO! Yep, that’s right, I decided my rambling could no longer be confined to the written word – so you get to have EVEN MORE of me (if you want – no-one’s forcing you, hehe 😉 ).

What do I have planned for my new channel? – Though this was little more than a half-formed thought a week ago, I’m beginning to get an idea of what I want to use this channel for. At the moment it’s going to be more of the chatty things; reviews of beauty products will in general be confined to my blog, but things like hauls, monthly favourites, rambling thoughts and other things will be making appearances on my YouTube channel. I am open to suggestions so if you are as nosy as I am, please give me as many as you have!

…Hope you enjoy! If you do, don’t forget to thumbs up the video and subscribe to my channel for more – I’m hoping to upload a new video every week 🙂
