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Rimmel Archives - Imagination In Colour

Tag Archives: Rimmel

Rimmel London Rita Ora Colourfest 2015 Review & Swatches

Hi everyone! I’ve just checked back and it’s nearly a whole month since I’ve posted… I’m so sorry! My life has been a bit crazy hectic the last few weeks. I hope you’ve had a good month anyway. June marked the 6th year of my relationship, and a fresh new haircut, as well as some gorgeous weather which is brilliant when you live just by the sea!

Aaaanyway… about 2 months ago (where does the time go?!) Rimmel very kindly sent me a huge package of nail polish to review – I think the total was around 50 nail polishes which, as I’m sure you can imagine, was an amazing surprise. I’ve felt a little overwhelmed with how to get them all done though, hence the length of time it’s taken me to post this! I should probably stop waffling now though 🙂

This is the Rimmel London Rita Ora Colourfest collection – 2015 edition. If you remember last March, Rimmel brought out the first Rita Ora Collection which I blogged about at the time (check out the differences between my swatches then and now!), which was a really nice 12-strong collection with lots of staple colours. This one is the same, again with 12 colours, but a lot more spring/summery than last time 🙂 These also have a festival-theme which you will notice from the names!

These are all 60-second nail polishes (although I don’t think it’s necessarily actually 60 seconds, they are pretty quick drying), and Rimmel claim these to be 3-in-1 (basecoat, colour and topcoat). Personally I think you should always use basecoat to prevent staining and drying of the nails, but these are glossy enough to skip the topcoat.

Rimmel London Rita Ora Collection 2015
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Wiki’d Nails Challenge: Tattoo Nail Art

Hey everyone! So you may have noticed lately that I’ve been posting a lot of press sample-based reviews – mainly because I’ve been inundated and the whole process takes quite a while so when I finally finish one, I don’t necessarily want to jump in and write another post ‘for myself’ if that makes sense. But of course that’s ended up that I haven’t done many ‘myself’ posts lately, so I’ve jumped onto a challenge run by my wonderful friendx Charlie (of Pocket Money Polishes) and Lisa (of Starfish Nails). Unfortunately I am already nearly 2 weeks late – oops – but better late than never I suppose!

This challenge is called the ‘Wiki’d Nails Challenge’, where basically the theme is randomly chosen from Wikipedia. Each week, you have to create some nail art based around the theme of that week. So this week is tattoos – a subject I think about endlessly so tattoo nail art was a great starting point for me!

I don’t actually have any tattoos myself (mainly due to my indecisiveness) but I am forever planning what I think I’d like in the future. This week, I based my nail look on one of my favourite styles – black linework. If you want to check out an artist I really like, look at ‘DotstoLines‘ by Chaim Machlev – his work was on Buzzfeed a while ago and it’s pretty cool! Anyway – enough waffling…!

Tattoo Nail Art
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Rimmel Sweetie Heart Matte Collection

Hello everyone! Hope you’ve had a happy Easter, or bank holiday weekend, or whatever you celebrate/don’t celebrate 😀 I received these new Sweetie Heart nail polishes from Rimmel a couple of weeks ago (unfortunately I’ve been so busy job-hunting, I have got a little behind with my schedule!) and I’ve been trying them out. They seem so perfect for spring, I hope you’ll agree 🙂

The Sweetie Heart collection is an all-matte collection, consisting of 5 pastel-type shades. I think the theme is based on the ‘Love Hearts’ sweeties made by Swizzels Matlow – the ones with phrases like ‘kiss me’ on them 🙂

Rimmel Sweetie Heart Cheeky Girl Matte
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Rimmel London Keep Calm Lasting Finish Nail Polish

Hello my fellow nail polish aficionados, today I have another selection of Rimmel London nail polishes to show you all. To tell the truth, I’m not entirely sure when these came out – all I know is that they are all available now! These beautiful colours were sent to me by Rimmel for review. I’m pretty chuffed with them, because lately I’ve been a bit blinkered to highstreet nail polishes because of all the indies (ALL the indies!), and sometimes I forget how nice it is to have just a standard creme, or a staple colour with great formula and quality.

I know we are coming into Autumn now, but rules are made to be broken (especially fashion rules – who’s with me?!)

Rimmel Keep Calm & Kiss
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Rimmel Kate Salon Pro Autumn Winter 2014

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having a great week. I was lucky to be sent 5 of the new Rimmel ‘by Kate’ Salon Pro nail polishes – I’d actually seen these a couple of weeks ago in Boots and really loved the look of the greens so I was excited to see these! The Salon Pro polishes all have a flat wide brush, which I know can make application a little tricky for people with slim nail beds, but personally with my wide ones, it’s a bonus. All five of these nail polishes are named after planets, which really appeals to me 🙂

I adore the colours of autumn and winter and I really feel that brands nail the A/W colours better than any other colour of the year. Rimmel is no exception; take a peek at these beauties!

Rimmel Saturn Kate
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