I passed my placement! And my case study got a distinction, woohoo! I’m now free to wear nail polish til my heart’s content. I was wondering in Superdrug feeling chuffed that I’d completed and passed my placement, and spotted a handful of new Revlon polishes. I don’t know whether these are from the 80th Anniversary collection coming out this year, but I certainly recall seeing Dreamer somewhere to do with the collection. Anyways, behold the beauty 🙂

You’ll have to excuse the bad quality of these photos, I couldn’t get a good pull on the colour unless it was in low lighting. Sorry 🙁 My camera always struggles with blues for some reason.
This is such a pretty blue, I can’t even describe 🙂 It’s a lovely dusky cornflower blue. It leans ever so slightly purple. It definitely has a lot of grey in it. I really didn’t think I’d love it as much as I do but there’s something about cornflower blues that always draws me in.
Dreamer took 2 coats to be fully opaque. It has a slightly jelly-esque formula, which is super duper because it stops the polish being chalky and gives it a lovely shine. I did find that it doesn’t level itself out very well and that you do need to load up the brush a fair bit to get decent coverage. On a few nails I went over the same spot twice and ended up with ridges but I think that was more user-error than anything else. Nothing a slosh of topcoat can’t remedy! It definitely gets a thumbs up from me for the finish.
As I was umming and ahhing over whether to get Dreamer, I did get a little niggle of worry that it was similar to Essie Lapis of Luxury (I should really re-do those swatches!). I really hate buying dupes as I feel it’s a waste of what little money I have. Thankfully, Dreamer is NOT a dupe for Lapis of Luxury. They are definitely in the same colour family though. Index and ring fingers are Dreamer, middle and pinkie fingers are Lapis of Luxury :

Somehow with Lapis of Luxury in the pic it helped my camera get Dreamer colour accurate with good lighting :s!

Lapis of Luxury leans a lot more purple while Dreamer is more blue. These swatches are at 2 coats of both polishes – you may notice that there is still visible nail line with Lapis of Luxury, while Dreamer is very definitely opaque at 2 coats. I guess it comes down to your skin tone and colour/opacity preference. Also, for us UK ladies, the Revlon is definitely more accessible and much cheaper than the Essie.
There’s an offer on Revlon polishes in Superdrug at the moment: 2 for £9.99, while Lapis of Luxury will set you back a good £9.95, and that’s if you get free shipping.
Oh and I don’t think the new Revlons are available in Boots yet, only Superdrug 🙂 Superdrug also have some pretty cool new scented polishes from Revlon, I bought Watermelon Fizz and it’s divine!
What do you guys think of Dreamer? Would you get it over the famed Lapis of Luxury?
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this blog post was either bought by myself with my own money, or given to me as a gift from friends/relatives. All opinions expressed here are my own.