Hey there lovely ladies (and gents? Give me a shout if you’re a gent – I’m trying to persuade my brother that it would be totally cool for a man to wear nail polish!). A few weeks ago Revlon Parfumerie hit our shelves… well some shelves, in Boots. I’ve been looking at them for ages but just couldn’t decide which to buy – only a couple grabbed me but a lot were easily duped in my existing collection. I decided that I would have to try one, for blogging purposes of course 😉 so the lovely hot pink Ginger Melon came home with me. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I have seriously neglected pinks of late so what better way than to jump back in the deep end with a hot bright pink?!
Now these ‘Parfumerie’ have been around for a good while for our US friends, but now that they’ve finally landed on UK shores there has been some excitement about them! I think a lot of it is to do with the retro perfume-bottle style shape, which is adorably cute and definitely not as much of a hindrance for application as I’d anticipated. Oh and the fact that these all have individual scents, largely based around the name of each nail varnish.