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Let Them Eat What? Archives - Imagination In Colour

Let Them Eat What?

Hare Polish Let Them Eat… What?

So, lovely ladies, today I have a lovely US Indie that I hadn’t worn before today (despite owning it for nearly a year…!). It’s from the Hare The Last Queen of France Collection, from Spring 2013. It’s inspired by Marie Antoinette – I have to be honest, I don’t really know much about her, other than her being a French Queen in the 18th century. (Don’t hate me – I know, I know, I really ought to learn more history!)

What I DO know is that this entire collection is GORGEOUS – I bought seven of the ten released, which is pretty good going for me – usually I a) can’t justify spending that much on polishes and b) don’t like enough of them to buy that many!

I also know that ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ is a rather famous quote often attributed to Marie Antoinette, however (if I’m being pernickity) there is actually no written record of her ever having said the phrase! But anyway, onto the colour 🙂

Hare Polish Let Them Eat... What 1
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