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Enchanted Polish Archives - Imagination In Colour

Enchanted Polish

Blue & Silver Meadow Stamping

Hey everyone! I’m back with some more stamping, I’ve got really into it lately! The lovely Charlie of Pocket Money Polishes has lent me 24 (24!!!) MoYou stamping plates to play with… I am far too excited about this!

I had to start somewhere, so I decided to do a grey-blue style manicure to match the weather we’ve been having lately. And then some silver fieldy stamping to make it a bit more fun 🙂

I am still getting the hang of stamping so bear with me if the designs come up a little uneven!

Blue Silver Landscape Mother Nature MoYou Stamping
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Enchanted Polish July 2014

Hello everyone! I’m going to stop apologising for not posting as regularly as I should because I’m clearly not very good at living up to my apologies! Anyway, I have another Enchanted Polish mystery colour today. I’ve been trying to get them all this year although unfortunately as this last time Chelsea was selling all three at once, I could only afford one so got my birth month; July! Enchanted Polishes are currently being sold on a pre-order basis, with an hour long window for buyers to purchase, and a month long window from order to receipt of the polish. I think it works brilliantly! Nobody goes crazy, no site crashes… it’s all good 🙂

July arrived the other day and I have to say when I first saw it, I wasn’t all that keen. However now that I’ve seen it on the nail, I really like it! If you have got this and aren’t keen, I’d definitely suggest wearing it once just to be sure as it looks quite different on the nail from in the bottle.

Enchanted Polish July 2014
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Enchanted Polish March 2014

Hey lovelies! 🙂 I’m posting a little late tonight as I have the cold from hell and I’m feeling sorry for myself, lol. Hope you’re all feeling well! Today I’m posting about Enchanted Polish March 2014. I know I’ve posted these the wrong way round, but I tried EP April 2014 first because that was my favourite of the two, and honestly I was not keen on March 2014 from what I saw in the bottle. I’m not a big fan of the paler yellowy, slightly insipid greens, and I didn’t expect much from it.

Wow was I surprised! 🙂

Enchanted Polish March 2014 Mystery
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Enchanted Polish April 2014

Hey everyone! So, many of us received our Enchanted Polish Mystery polishes this week, so I thought I’d show you April – which Andy chose from my rather large ‘to blog’ pile for this week! What Chelsea is currently doing seems to be working great – I am a big fan of this system because as long as you check in on time, nobody misses out. Basically the process is: you are sent an email a good week in advance with details of when the pre-order goes live, including a time-scale for how long it will be available. On the day and at the correct time, you select the polish and purchase it, with no cart-jacking issues and no site problems. 3-4 weeks later, you have your polish! I love that it’s now so hassle-free when for a good 1-2 years it’s been a nightmare.

Anyway, onto the polish. Like the others, this was a mystery polish meaning you are buying blind. As someone with very few colour-preferences when it comes to nail polish, I’m a big fan, although I know some people aren’t. This one is really pretty though, and I haven’t yet seen anyone say they don’t like it.

Enchanted Polish April 2014 Mystery
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Enchanted Polish February 2014

Hey there everyone! Today I have a beauty of a polish to show you. If you remember, last month I showed you Enchanted Polish January 2014 – a lovely deep dark blue holo, and this one is like the muted cranberry cousin to Jan 2014. If you didn’t know, Enchanted Polish (EP) is one of the most sought-after brands in the polish world. I think this is largely due to their exclusivity. That’s something that sells me on a product – not being able to have a second chance at choosing… I’ve said it before, I am genuinely a marketer’s dream customer! This exclusivity lead to many a problem with restocks, however it seems Chelsea has finally found a good solution. She’s currently doing a pre-order window at a certain date and time of the month, for the monthly polish releases. This seems to be working great – both times have been easy and stress-free for me.

2014 is also the year of mystery polishes for EP. This means that you are buying blind, essentially, as you won’t know what your polish looks like until you peek at swatches from the US or until it arrives on your doorstep. Which is something I LOVE, and because I don’t have many polish colours I hate, I feel relatively safe knowing that I will probably love it. Although I know it’s not for everyone!!

Enchanted Polish February 2014 Mystery
This is 1 coat! Read More »